Debuting its new digital cinema theater, Film Space, Metropolitan State University welcomed the 35th annual Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival [MSPIFF]. Several entries were screened at the Saint Paul Campus.
Metropolitan State’s Film Space digital cinema theater is the only one of its kind in Saint Paul and will serve the arts community and independent film lovers. The creation of Film Space is funded in part through a $30,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to the Metropolitan State University Screenwriting Program through the Metropolitan State University Foundation.
Beginning of Installation at Metropolitan State Cinema Finished Product
Metropolitan State’s Film Space is launching a film festival initiative that will bring filmmakers and new film festivals to Saint Paul in the coming years,” James Byrne said. Byrne was instrumental in securing the Knight Arts Challenge grant with the support of the university’s Foundation.
The heart of Film Space is to foster film arts and enrich the community through film and film events. By serving academics, the arts community, and all those interested in independent film, the project will bring new film festivals to Saint Paul and provide new screening opportunities for film artist.
A Bag End Sound System consisting of 3 CDS-115 full range loudspeakers for left, center and right and 8 TA80-IY 2-way surround speakers along the side walls are complimented by 2 D18E-I Infra subwoofers, and an Infra-MXB low frequency processor was installed in Film Space.
The system, designed by Elert & Associates Technology Consultants in Stillwater Minnesota and installed by Video Services, Inc. in Mankato is claimed to have outstanding fidelity and realism.