Three Rivers Foundation Ballroom, Quanah, Texas

Bag End TA5000-I used in Three Rivers Foundation Ballroom

Quanah, Texas – Three Rivers Foundation (an educational foundation for arts and sciences) is a multifunctional facility for music and lectures. With the installation of the Bag End TA5000-I, Three Rivers Ballroom with TA5000-I'sSteve Matney said, “The sound quality is just awesome with no acoustic treatment at all.”

3RF Sciences, LLC, supports science education via activities at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus, outreach at schools from Dallas to Lubbock / Amarillo to Abilene, and partnerships with other organizations. In addition to unique capabilBag End TA5000-Iities in Astronomy, we offer facilities and curricula to engage students in hands-on activities related to The Plains as an integrated ecosystem.